Title: In The Quiet Prompt: Drabbletag5 - hair Fandom: Agents of SHIELD Pairing: Skye/Jemma Rating: G Word Count: 206 Notes: Post 1x22 "Beginning of the End." ( Read more... )
Title: stardust in your veins Prompt: Drabbletag5 - celestial Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Pairing: Jane/Sif Rating: M Word Count: 184 Notes: Loosely set during Thor 2. ( Read more... )
Title: we know how to fly Prompt: Drabbletag5 - Daring Fandom: The Silmarillion Pairing: Aredhel/Elenwë Rating: G Word Count: 250 Notes: Set in Valinor, so Quenya names are used (Irissë=Aredhel).
Title: Worth It Prompt: Drabbletag5 -shenanigans Fandom: Agents of SHIELD Pairing: Skye/Jemma Simmons Rating: G Word count: 249 Notes: During/after 1x07 "The Hub". ( It was completely an accident. )